A New Community Band for The Greater York County Area

CRW News

The latest from the Catawba River Winds

CRW Reminders & Upcoming Concert Info

Happy Friday! Thank you for a great rehearsal last night! We made a lot of progress and appreciate your work and preparation. We are blessed!!! For those of you who couldn’t be with us last night, we missed you and hope to see you next week!

Here are a couple of reminders:

Dress Rehearsal – 5/16/2024

Next week is a very important rehearsal, so please make every effort to attend – as it will be the last time we can make collective corrections, adjustments, etc. before the concert. We will rehearse in the auditorium next week.

Help Us Spread The Word!

If you took a concert poster last night, please remember to put those up in high traffic areas. If you’re on Facebook, be sure to share out our Facebook Event Post with your friends and family. You all are our biggest tool in helping spread the word about our concert and inviting family, students, friends, and neighbors! Thanks for your help!

Concert Dress

Dress for this concert will be all pit black/all black. Please let me us know if you have any questions.

Concert Times

The concert begins at 4:00 PM on Sunday, May 19, 2024. Call time for performers is 3:30 PM.

You are donating to : CRW

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$10 $20 $30
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