A New Community Band for The Greater York County Area

CRW News

The latest from the Catawba River Winds


Good morning, friends! This is a reminder that CRW will have our first rehearsal of our Spring 2024 cycle at Nation Ford High School tomorrow, Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM.

The address for the school is:
1400 A.O. Jones Blvd.
Fort Mill, SC 29715

Please park in the faculty parking lots and enter through the band room exterior entrance marked on this map

The band room will be open by 6:40 PM. We want to begin promptly at 7:00 PM to respect your time. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to check in, grab your folder, find your seat, and warm up. Percussionists, please arrive a few minutes early as well to claim your parts and make sure your area is set up to your liking.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to making music with you all soon!

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